Value Capture

SHUI Token is the governance token of the SHUI Interface and Middleware ( collectively "SHUI Protocol" ), granting holders the right to participate in the governance of SHUI Protocol by proposing and voting on key decisions that shape its direction and governance in a participatory and decentralised manner. The roadmap of the SHUI Protocol will include a decentralised autonomous organisational structure supported by the community of token holders.

veSHUI (Coming...)

  • You may lock up your SHUI token to get veSHUI in return. As to a fixed amount of SHUI token to be locked, the longer the locking period is, the more veSHUI you can get. (e.g. 100 SHUI locked for 4 years returns 400 veSHUI while 100 SHUI locked for 1 year return 100 veSHUI).

  • veSHUI akins to an account based point system that signifies the vesting duration of the wallet's locked SHUI tokens within the protocol.

  • veSHUI will play a vital role in SHUI ecosystem.

Last updated